we were gifted the perfect planet

Mankind’s actions are slowly destroying our planet. Deforestation, pollution, and excessive consumption of natural resources are contributing to climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. If we continue on this path, the future of our planet is at risk.

what went wrong?

Mankind’s destructive actions, fueled by greed, corruption, pollution, conflict and war, are slowly destroying our planet. These actions lead to the suffering of millions of people, and environmental degradation.

learn more

today’s major issues


 35% of the world’s people live in countries in which basic rights are denied such as clean water and sanitation.


3 billion of the world’s people live in ‘poverty’. 1.3 billion people live in ‘absolute’ or ‘extreme poverty’.


An estimated 187 million people have died as a result of war from 1900 to the present. That number is likely to be higher.

human activity

Humanity has caused unparalleled biodiversity and ecological loss on land, sea, and sky, according to a report.

The ecosystems on which humanity and all other creatures depend are degrading faster than ever.

air pollution

Ambient (outdoor) air pollution is estimated to have caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2019.

river pollution

Ambient (outdoor) air pollution is estimated to have caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2019.

sea pollution

Ambient (outdoor) air pollution is estimated to have caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2019.


the numbers don’t lie

…. was the global governments military spending in 2023 alone.
…. tons of the world’s food is thrown away .every year.
…. was the world government expenditures for space programs in 2023.
what people say


” I’ve been looking for answers for years, and now I have found them.”
Helen Walker

“I never knew there was so much inormation in the Bible.”
Simon McKenzie

” I started a Bible study and learning so much about life.”
Mary Simmons

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