what hope does the Bible provide

more than just a book

. . . . continued

some fascinating facts about the bible

The first major work to emerge from the printing press was a Bible. Since then, countless books on myriad subjects have been published. However, the Bible remains unparalleled in its significance.

  • It is estimated that over 4.7 billion Bibles (complete or partial) have been printed, surpassing the next most widely distributed publication, Quotations From Chairman Mao, by more than 5 times.
  • In a single recent year, over 50 million copies of the Bible or its portions were distributed. The New Yorker magazine reports, “The Bible is the best-selling book of the year, every year.”
  • The Bible, in whole or in part, has been translated into more than 2,400 languages, making it accessible to over 90% of the world’s population in their native tongues.
  • Approximately half of the Bible’s authors completed their writings before the birth of both Confucius, the renowned Chinese sage, and Siddhārtha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism.
  • The Bible has profoundly influenced the arts, inspiring some of the world’s greatest paintings, music, and literature.
  • Despite facing bans by governments, burnings by religious opposers, and attacks by critics, the Bible has endured. No other book in history has faced greater opposition—and survived.

These facts are indeed remarkable. However, impressive statistics alone do not prove the Bible’s trustworthiness.

In the following section, we will explore 5 reasons why millions of people are convinced that the Bible is worthy of trust.

reasons to trust the bible

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