What’s gone wrong?

” It’s neither the purpose or intent for this material to ridicule the views of fundamentalists or those who choose not to believe in God. Rather, it is our hope that it will prompt you to examine again the basis for some of your beliefs. The name Jehovah is used as it is Gods name”- “I am Jehovah. That is my name.”​—Isaiah 42:8.

The Demons Are Killers!

Satan and the demons have always been cruel and dangerous entities, wreaking havoc throughout human history.

Ancient Times

In the distant past, Satan unleashed a series of devastating attacks on the faithful man Job. First, he ruthlessly slaughtered Job’s livestock, decimating his wealth.

Job with some of his friends

Then, in a display of utter malevolence, Satan orchestrated the deaths of Job’s 10 children by summoning “a great wind” that obliterated the house where they were gathered.

Not content with this destruction, Satan then afflicted Job himself, striking him with “a malignant boil” that covered his entire body, from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head, causing immense suffering.

Jesus’ Era

During the time when Jesus walked the earth, the demons continued their reign of terror, manifesting their cruelty in various ways. They robbed people of their senses, rendering some individuals completely mute and others entirely blind, isolating them from normal human interaction. In one particularly harrowing instance, demons tormented a man so severely that he was driven to repeatedly slash his own flesh with sharp stones, inflicting grievous self-harm.

The demons’ brutality extended even to children. In one account, they seized a young boy, forcing him to cry out in distress. With malicious intent, they violently dashed the child to the ground and induced severe convulsions, demonstrating their complete disregard for the vulnerability of youth.

These acts of possession not only caused physical harm but also inflicted deep emotional trauma on both the victims and their families, showcasing the demons’ multifaceted approach to causing human suffering.

Modern-Day Demonic Activity

To this present day, Satan and his demonic forces remain as lethal as ever. Their malevolent influence has intensified following their expulsion from heaven. Global accounts bear witness to their ongoing brutality.

Physical and Mental Torment

Some individuals find themselves afflicted with mysterious illnesses, allegedly the work of these dark entities. Others endure nightly torment, their sleep constantly disrupted or filled with horrific nightmares. This relentless psychological warfare leaves many exhausted and emotionally drained.

Disclaimer: While there have been instances where individuals who have committed violent acts have claimed to be influenced by demonic forces, it’s important to approach these claims with caution and critical thinking. Such beliefs often intersect with complex issues of mental health, cultural beliefs, and personal experiences.

In several high-profile cases, individuals who have committed violent acts have reported hearing voices or feeling compelled to act in ways they attribute to supernatural or demonic influences. These claims, while concerning, are often difficult to substantiate and can be influenced by various factors, including:

  1. Mental Health Conditions: Many individuals who experience such delusions may be suffering from underlying mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression. These conditions can lead to distorted perceptions of reality and impaired judgment.
  2. Cultural and Religious Beliefs: Certain cultural and religious beliefs may predispose individuals to attribute unusual experiences or behaviors to demonic forces. These beliefs can influence how people interpret their thoughts and actions.
  3. Personal Trauma: Traumatic experiences, such as the loss of loved ones, can contribute to psychological distress and lead to disordered thinking. In some cases, individuals may seek explanations for their suffering in supernatural terms.

It’s crucial to remember that these are just a few potential factors, and the motivations behind violent acts are often complex and multifaceted. While exploring the intersection of mental health, religious beliefs, and violent behaviour can be informative, it’s essential to approach these topics with sensitivity and respect for the individuals involved.

Sexual Abuse and Violence

In more disturbing cases, there are reports of sexual abuse attributed to these malevolent spirits. The trauma inflicted by such experiences often leaves deep, lasting scars on the victims.

Extreme Consequences

Perhaps most alarmingly, some people reportedly fall into states of complete mental instability due to demonic influence. In the most tragic instances, this leads to violent outbursts, including murder, or results in the victim taking their own life. These extreme outcomes underscore the perceived danger and destructive potential of these supernatural forces.