we were given a perfect planet

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What’s it all about?

our future

We have a responsibility to care for planet Earth, our home, which provides everything we need to survive. Our actions—such as pollution and deforestation—are putting our planet at risk. What must we do to ensure a healthy future? We must adopt sustainable practices, reduce waste, and protect natural habitats. By doing so, we preserve the planet’s beauty and resources for ourselves and future generations.

the clock is ticking

world issues



All human beings are born free and equal in dignity​—Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations General Assembly in 1948.

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Throughout history, religious leaders have blessed soldiers and weaponry on both sides of a conflict in the name of God.

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what went wrong?

The Long trail of Human destruction

A study by 134 experts from around the world is one of the most thorough looks at species around the world that is available. It found that mankind is using and destroying nature on a scale that has never before been seen, from the jungles of Central America to the Pacific Ocean.


Since 1990, over 420 million hectares of forest have been lost due to human activities.

ocean pollution

12 million metric tonnes of plastic find their way into our oceans every single year.

A Air pollution

air pollution

8.43 million premature deaths annually are attributed to air pollution.